How to Play Padel?

You’ve come to the perfect spot if you’re looking to learn how to play padel. We’re here to guide you through the essential basics, equipping you with the knowledge not only to play but thoroughly enjoy the game.

What is Padel Game?

Padel is a racket sport blending tennis and squash elements. Played usually in doubles on a smaller, enclosed court with walls, it uses solid, stringless rackets and follows tennis’s scoring system. The game is known for its accessibility, strategic play, and underhand serves, appealing to a wide range of ages and skill levels.

Table of Contents

Padel rules

  1. Court and Teams: Played on an enclosed court, typically in doubles.
  2. Scoring: Similar to tennis (15, 30, 40, game) with sets played best of three.
  3. Serving: Underhand serves; the ball must bounce in the opposite service box.
  4. Ball Bounce: The ball can bounce off the walls but must hit the ground first.
  5. Points: Won if the ball bounces twice on the opponent’s side or if opponents fail to return the ball legally.
  6. No Contact Rule: Players cannot touch the net or enter the opponent’s court.
  7. Wall Play: The ball can be played off the walls on one’s own side.
control padel racket

Goal of Padel

The aim in Padel is to secure a victory by winning two of the three sets in a match.

Players must collaborate effectively within their pair to outmaneuver their opponents. Given the court’s smaller size and enclosed nature, compared to tennis, proximity among players necessitates strong teamwork and understanding for success.

Additionally, the game’s fast pace requires high levels of fitness, as being physically fit is crucial for excelling in Padel.

Padel Scoring

Padel follows the same scoring structure as tennis. Points are counted as 15, 30, 40, and then game. In case of a 40-40 tie, it’s termed as deuce, and the first player or team determines the winner to gain a two-point lead. Matches in Padel are typically played in a best-of-three sets format, with each set comprising six games.

What Gear Do I Need to Play Padel?

A padel racket, also known as a padel bat or padel paddle, is a crucial tool for the game.

You can find here a list of the best Padel rackets.

Padel rackets are solid and perforated, designed to strike the ball effectively while providing control and power. They are typically made from materials like carbon fiber or composite materials to balance durability and performance.


Padel balls are specifically designed for the sport. They are slightly less pressurized than tennis balls, allowing for a slower pace and better ball control. The balls have a higher bounce than those used in squash, making them suitable for the dynamics of the padel court.


 Wearing the right Padel shoes is essential for safe and efficient movement on the padel court. Padel shoes are designed to provide grip on different court surfaces while offering support for lateral movements and sudden stops. They typically have non-marking soles to avoid damaging the court surface.

How to Win in Padel?

A team must secure six games with a lead of at least two games to win a set. In cases where the score reaches 6-6, a tiebreak round is played, with victory going to the first team to reach seven points by a margin of two.

Should the game remain tied, additional tiebreaks are played until a team leads by two games. The pair winning two sets first is declared the overall winner of the match.

Volley Techniques

Forehand and Backhand Groundstrokes

In Padel, effectively mastering forehand and backhand groundstrokes is essential. The forehand involves hitting with the racket facing the net, while the backhand is with the racket facing away. These strokes are vital for control and power in your shots.

Volley Skills

Volleys are crucial in padel, allowing quick, pre-bounce strikes. Good volley technique, involving wrist action and racket position, helps direct the ball and dominate play near the net.

Padel Positioning and Footwork

Proper padel positioning and footwork are crucial for executing both groundstrokes and volleys. Staying balanced, moving effectively, and maintaining a wide, agile stance are key.

Strategic Shot Placement

Incorporate strategic shot placement to outplay opponents. Vary your shots, targeting court corners and mixing up your tactics for a competitive edge.

 Padel Court Dimensions and Layout

A padel court is a 20×10 meter rectangular area, enclosed by glass or mesh walls. It’s divided by a net, similar to tennis, but includes service boxes and playable back and side walls, adding strategic depth and unique angles to the game.

Padel - Frequenly Asked Questions

What type of Padel balls do I need?

Choose rubber Padel balls with a diameter of 40 mm and weight no more than 45 grams. Consider the playing surface and environment, as there are specific types for outdoor, indoor, and high-altitude conditions.


What Type of Padel Racket do I Need?
Choosing a padel racket is crucial for success on the court. It's important to consider your skill level and playing style. Beginner padel rackets are usually light and have wider heads than advanced padel rackets, which tend to be heavier with narrower heads for increased control.
Advanced padel rackets may also opt for padel rackets that feature more spin or power.


Do I need special shoes for Padel?

Yes, specialized Padel shoes are recommended for optimal grip, traction, and comfort. They usually feature non-marking soles and provide ankle support for agility on the court.


Can you play Padel 1 vs 1?

Yes, while Padel is typically a doubles game, it can also be played in a singles format with one player per side.


Is Padel easy to learn?

Yes, Padel is beginner-friendly with simple rules and a straightforward scoring system, making it accessible and enjoyable for new players.


 How long is a game of Padel?

A Padel match can last from 30 minutes to 3 hours, depending on the number of sets played and the skill level of the players.


Why is Padel so addictive?

Padel's popularity stems from its unique blend of strategy and physicality, offering a thrilling and fast-paced game that fits well into busy schedules.


Can you play Padel with 2 players?

Yes, Padel can be played in a singles format with just two players, each playing individually against the other.